Our Events
We regularly host a variety of events such as Maelstrom Dives where we bring the fight to the Titans themselves. These are referred to as Operations and are an integral part of the Xeno Strike Force. Operations are frequently hosted during the weekend to allow greater compatibility with the schedules of our members, and there are opportunities to join during the week too!
Any and all of our members are welcome to participate in these operations, regardless of skill. The way we structure our wings makes it so nobody is left to fend for themselves. Be sure you show up in uniform!
If you’d like a peek of what it’s like to operate as a part of the Xeno Strike Force, take a dive with us on one of our previous Maelstrom training ops!
A pre-operation briefing is critical to make sure everyone is on the same page.
Once the briefing is over, it’s time to make our way to the core of the Maelstrom!
Reaching the asteroid field, we can expect company shortly thereafter.
Once the fighting really ramps up, coordination becomes essential to our survival.
With a successful training operation, it is time to disengage and return to base!