The Book of Sentinel
The Book of Sentinel contains a unified knowledge base for Commanders seeking to advance within the Xeno Strike Force. It is expected that their knowledge meets a minimum baseline to ensure more smooth Wing Combat Operations. This book also contains the knowledge proficiency topics needed to advance in the XSF hierarchy. Below is a table containing an overview of each category and the relevant section in the book.
Research Ability | Basic Research Skills | Advanced Comprehension | Operations |
Interceptor | Interceptor Basics | Swarm Mechanics & Special Attacks | Analytic Knowledge & Detail |
Combat Zones/Areas | AXCZ Types | Spawns | Target Prioritization |
Weapons | What Kills Thargoids | Modified Guardian Weapons | Weapon Calibration |
Ship Loadouts | Module Specifics | Titan Space Ship Loadouts | AXCZ Ship Specifics |
Search and Rescue | Titan Bio-Capsules | Titan Mechanics | Ship Loadout |
War Knowledge | Understanding the Big Picture | How to win | Analyze |
The Book of Sentinel is a collection of knowledge-topics to that should be covered.
Specific targeted detailed inquiries should reference Guides on the XSF Website and the AXI Wiki. For more information on advancement, see Promotion Process
Research Ability
Research Ability – Basic Proficiency
GuardianAI Discord Bot Wiki Commands
Typing /wiki ‘input search term’ will allow searching of the AXI Wiki.
GuardianAI Discord Bot Graphics
Typing /graphic ‘select from drop down’ will allow you to see a list of available graphics to choose from. There is a large selection of detailed graphics to view from.
There are also some quick commands, like the small info-cards for each Interceptor Variant.
Typing /cyclops would let you see the Cyclops-poster for example.
Elite Dangerous Ship Yard (EDSY) and Ship Anatomy
EDSY is used to provide commanders with a visual representation of their ship loadout. This loadout is useful for submitting ideas or showing fellow commanders certain build ideas.
EDSY will not show you Hardpoint or Utility placement on the outside of your ship, which might be needed for better usage of them. Neither will you know your weapons convergence.
Referance Elite Dangerous Ship Anatomy on, or other 3rd party tools.
Active Duty Captains are your subject matter experts for a lot of Xeno Strike Force knowledge. They are the equivalent in knowledge to the AXI Mentor program.
Types of Scouts
- Marauder
- Regenerator
- Inciter
- Berserker
Always focus Berserkers first, the caustic missile barrages they trigger are unwelcome.
Regenerators can give scouts an instance-wide health regeneration buff and are also to be focused. This also makes it easier for AX-NPCs to kill Scouts for you more efficiently.
Inciters speed and dmg buffs can be a nuisance, but are typically more negligible.
Research Ability – Master Proficiency
The Zoo
โThe Zoo is known as the generally accepted best hunting ground in the Pleiades for Medusas and Hydras. It does however suffer from multiple gravity wells, making hunting Cyclops and Basilisks preferable in other systems (such as Asterope.)โ
Pleiades Sector MI-S B4-0
Find and link info using the /zoo command in Discord.
FSS Filter Trick
Avoid Scouts when searching through NHSS; you are able to filter which kind of instance you will get based on where you put your tuner.
Always get interceptors (sometimes lonely probes/sensors) using Full Spectrum System (FSS) Scanner by putting your tuner on the right edge of the NHSS signal-wave.

Link info on NHSS and the Filtertrick with the /nhss command in Discord and click the link for the Filter Trick below.
Operation Orders
Operation Orders are that activity hub of all things Xeno Strike Force. Upcoming events will be posted in the Operation Orders Channel. Anybody can submit Operation Orders, they will be approved by either a Major, Colonel, or General Staff. Official approvals require the correct Ranked Players to participate in the wing size of the Operation requested. Once Operations are completed, they will be logged in the Operations Log channel. Participants will be displayed as well as all key features of the Operation for historical purposes.
Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance
Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance is a single-grade Engineering modification discovered by Ram Tah during the course of the second Thargoid War. Any Guardian Module it is applied to will be immune to the health-decay imposed by the Thargoids’ Anti-Guardian Fields.
The Material costs are:
- 2x “Hardened Surface Fragment“
Can typically be found on the Hull of alive Thargoid Titans.
Note: Since destruction of all 8 known Thargoid Titans, these are no longer obtainable. - 1x “Caustic Crystal“
Can typically be found in a Maelstroms Caustic cloud or more sporadicly in a Titan Graveyard.
Interceptor – Basic Proficiency
Types of Interceptors
Including the Orthrus, there are 5 interceptors in the game: Cyclops, Basilisk, Medusa, Hydra, and Orthrus. The Orthrus is the only interceptor that does not have the offensive weapons. Instead, the Orthrus will fire a Shut-down Field and Anti-guardian Field (AGF), and leave behind a very strong caustic trail. Cyclops, Basilisks, Medusas, and Hydras all have a primary cannon and share mostly the same offensive traits. From this point on, Cyclops, Basilisks, Medusas, and Hydras will be referred to as normal interceptors.
How to Kill Interceptors
To kill the Orthrus, break the shield and shoot it until itโs dead. To kill the other 4 interceptors, all the hearts must be destroyed, and their hull reduced to zero. Reference the AXI Wiki search.
Interceptor Special Attacks and Phases
Normal interceptors all share the same behaviors. Therefore all the special attacks and phases will be the same. Interceptor phases are mostly the response to heart destruction depending upon heat signatures.
- Swarm deployment phase
- Shield phase
- Lighting chase phase
- Caustic missile phase
- Shut-down Field phase
Normal interceptors all have a primary cannon as their main offensive weapon; however, they also a few special attacks:
- Lighting
- Holds the target in place
- Reboots a module at random
- Caustic missile
- Deals zero hull damage
- Applies caustic corrosion
- Shut-down Field
- Shutdowns every ship within range
Enrage Timer and Reset
An interceptor becomes enraged when the current heart has been alive for too long. The timer of each interceptor are as follows:
- Cyclops: 6 minutes
- Basilisk / Medusa: 7 minutes
- Hydra: 8 minutes
The interceptor will let out an aggressive โhonkโ when enraged and a short and hard to notice red glow; then it will immediately resupply / redeploy its swarm to full. There are no visual signs as to when the interceptor is in the enraged state already.
Swarms that have been agitated by the player will Suicide at the player entirely instead of their usual smaller Missile barrage, if the Interceptor is enraged at that time. The Interceptor will keep replenishing its Swarm during enrage.
Destroying the current heart will reset the enrage timer and the interceptor will no longer be enraged.
Panic Shields
A panic shield refers to a second shield that an interceptor puts up without the player destroying a heart.
A panic shield is triggered under 3 conditions:
- When the interceptor receives too much hull damage too fast
- When the current shield is destroyed within 10s of deployment
- Countermeasure deployment
A hyperdiction is an interdiction that happens when jumping between systems. Hyperdictions cannot be countered, and the Frame Shift Drive (FSD) will be put into a full cooldown. Hyperdictions will have a chance to happen when jumping into system with Thargoid presence. When hyperdicted, the player will be thrown back into the system that they were jumping from.
Interceptor – Advanced Proficiency
Swarm deployment phase:
Interceptor Special Attacks and Phases
Interceptor phases are mostly responses to heart destruction.
- Happens when the interceptor is aggroed
- Will happen after a heart is destroyed if the previous swarm is also destroyed
- Will happen when the interceptor is enraged
- Will happen immediately after the destruction of the swarm while enraged
Shield phase:
- Happens after a heart is destroyed
- Shield duration dependent upon Interceptor Variant
Lighting chase:
- Happens after the destruction of the first heart, and at the same time as the shield phase
- The interceptor will actively chase down its target with the lighting attack readied
- The interceptor will glow bright yellow, and will not fire its cannons
- Lasts about 30s
Caustic missile phase:
- Happens after every heart destruction after the second heart is destroyed
- The interceptor will launch a volley of caustic missiles if it detects a target
- Lasts about
Shut-down Field phase:
- Happens after the second last heart is destroyed
- The interceptor will launch an EMP attack which disables all ships caught within
- This will only happen if the interceptor detects a target
- After firing the Shut-down Field, or after the phase timer runs out, this phase is followed up with a caustic missile phase
- Lasts about 15s
The normal interceptors will have 3 special attacks other than their cannons: lighting attack, caustic missiles, and Shut-down Field.
Lighting attack:
- This attack is enabled after the destruction of the first heart
- This attack will trigger if the target gets within 700m
- Lag will increase the distance substantially and a ship can be caught even up to 1400m
- When triggered, the interceptor stops shooting and glows bright yellow
- A rev-up and release audio cue is present
- This attack will force the ship to a halt, and the ship will not be able to boost during the attack duration
- This attack will also disable a powered internal module at random
- This attack will do neglectable damage to hull
- The lighting duration differs with each interceptor:
- Cyclops: 8 seconds
- Basilisk: 10 seconds
- Medusa: 12 seconds
- Hydra: 14 seconds
- After the lighting attack ends, the interceptor will go on reload
- Sometimes the interceptor will fire a back-to-back lighting, this is called a โDouble Lightingโ
Caustic missiles:
- This attack is enabled after the destruction of the second heart
- This attack is only available to be fired during the first ~15s of each shield phase
- This attack will not trigger if the interceptor does not detect a target
- The Caustic missiles does not do direct hull damage, instead it will apply a caustic burn
- The strength of the caustic damage differs with each interceptor
- If this attack is triggered, the interceptor will fire at every player in the instance once detected, no longer having a trigger time limit
- The missiles fly very slowly, and have a limited lifespan
- If the missilesโ lifespan runs out and has yet to impact a target, it will self-destruct
Shut-down Field:
- This is an EMP weapon
- This attack will completely disable all ships caught within its range of 10km
- This attack is only fired when the interceptor first arrives out of Witch Space, and when the second to last heart is destroyed
- When the second to last heart is destroyed, the Shut-down Field can be avoided if the interceptor does not detect any targets within ~15s of heart destruction
- The Shut-down Field can be countered with a SFN and / or a TPN; everyone within the range of a deployed SFN will also be able to counter the attack
Swarm Mechanics
The swarm is made from individual drones called โThargonsโ. Each interceptorโs swarm size is different:
- Cyclops: 32 Thargons
- Basilisk: 64 Thargons
- Medusa: 96 Thargons
- Hydra: 128 Thargons
The swarm has 2 different states:
- Normal state: the swarm will orbit the interceptor and attack a target hostile to the interceptor; and the swarm will fire kinetic projectiles. These projectiles are green in color, and posts zero to no threat
- Agitated state: the swarm becomes โagitatedโ when a ship flies through it. When agitated, instead of the projectile attack, a few Thargon will turn itself into a Kamakazi missile and ram the ship
Swarm Formations
Swarms has 4 general formations that it will fly in:
- Ball formation
- Cone
- Spiral formation
- Ring formation
Swarm Missile Mode / How to Defeat
When the swarm is agitated, it will enter missile mode. In missile mode, the formation of the swarm changes into one of the following:
- Death Wall
- Death Spiral
- Ring of Death
These formations are direct derivatives of the none-agitated formations, the major difference being that the agitated formations are always โ2Dโ; all the Thargons are panned out on 1 plane. When the swarm is agitated, it will boost directly away from the ship that just flew through it. Then the swarm will reroll its formation into one of the agitated formations, and launch missiles.
To reset the agitated state, fly through the swarm again after it has launched its missiles. An agitated swarm has a missile range of 3km. If the player gets out of range after missiles has been launched, the swarm will rearm, and launch another volley of missiles once the player re-enters that 3km range.
The swarm missiles do not have infinite range. A common tactic used in de-agitating the swarm is to perform a missile bait. Missile baiting is very similar to countering caustic missiles, create distance and drag the missiles until it dies.
To perform a missile bait:
- Make sure that the swarm is actually agitated
- Keep the swarm between 2.0 – 2.9km away from you (the closer to 3km without getting out of range the better)
- Wait for the missiles
- Fly away from the missiles and stay within 3km of the swarm
- Align and fly through the swarm to de-agitate
Lightning Mechanics / Lightning Bait
Technically, after every lighting attack, the interceptor will go on a reload; however this isnโt always the case. Lighting attacks are technically harmless since most AX ships are shieldless, but lighting attack is arguably one of the most deadly attacks that an interceptor can use.
The lighting will reboot 1 powered internal module at random, while hold the ship at a halt. If the module that was rebooted was the thrusters, the player will highly likely eat a rebuy.
The lighting attack is available at all times after the destruction of the first heart, and available after each reload. To make sure that the interceptor cannot use the lighting attack during the current attack run, the player will perform a lighting bait.
Lighting bait is very simple, the idea is to get within 800m (lighting attack trigger range) for just enough time that the interceptor charges up the attack, and exit that 800m range fast enough so that the lighting itself fires but doesnโt connect.
Lighting bait is performed slightly differently based on ship type, as each ship handles and flies different. In general, a boost or two is required to enter that 800m range and exit out of it; a good joust can be a very good lighting bait.
Scout Special Attacks
Out of the 4 scouts, there is only 1 offensive special attack, and 2 special buffs.
- Marauder:
- Nothing
- Regenerator:
- Emits a pulse of green energy, provides a shield and healing buff to all scouts within the instance
- Inciter:
- Emits a red / pink pulse of energy, buffs the speed and maneuverability of all scouts in instance
- Berserker:
- Emits a red pulse of energy, buffs the damage of all scouts in instance, and makes all Marauders fire a caustic missile
Interdictions are usually conducted by Thargoid scouts. However, Cyclops, Basilisk, and Glaive interdictions are also rather common.
When interdicted by a Thargoid, just like hyperdictions, it cannot be defeated / countered. The best course of action is to submit to the interdiction, then go back to supercruise when able to.
Note: if you do not submit to the interdiction, your FSD drive will enter a full cooldown cycle, which takes much longer reboot
Interceptor – Master Proficiency
Interceptor Cannon Acquisition
The Thargoid Interceptor’s primary weapon is its main cannon, with each interceptor having slightly different characteristics like damage or rearm duration. For all interceptors the cannon has a range of 3km, is gimballed with a limited angle of fire, and fires in Volleys. There is a small pause between volleys, and a re-arm period where the Interceptor faces away and the cannon cools down before firing again.
When fighting multiple interceptors alone it is advisable to ensure they are in the same flight path. Often creating a special yoyo effect. With current mechanics of the Interceptor losing interest after about 45 seconds, ensure that you continuously tag each of them with weapon fire. Laser works great.
Interceptor Shield Analysys
A less-well known reason for new Panic-Shields on Interceptors is the “Countermeasure Deployment”. Launching caustic Missiles while shields are already down can make it put up new panic shields.
This often overlaps with panic shields from overwhelming shield damage (destroying shields in less than 10s), but can also happen after that time period if the missiles get triggered.
Shield Resistance:
Interceptors shields have a -20% Resistance to thermal damage (a Weakness). And no special Resistance to non-AX Weaponry.
Human Thermal weapons can therefore be very effective in stripping shields.
Shield Decay:
Interceptors Shields do slowly decay over time. Keeping track can help when alternating Targets in CZs, during scenarios where one has limited weapons or ammo to strip shields and or time-limited fights.
- Cyclops – 1:38 (1:30 is a good approximation)
- Basilisk – 2:51 (3:00 is a good approximation)
- Medusa – 4:05 (4:00 is a good approximation)
- Hydra – 5:19 (5:20 is a good approximation)
Interceptor Hearts vs Exertion
Each of the interceptors have a different number of hearts:
- Cyclops: 4
- Basilisk: 5
- Medusa: 6
- Hydra: 8
To kill an interceptor, normally, all the hearts must be destroyed and the hull reduced to zero. However, interceptors can be killed without destroying all the hearts, this is called โgibbingโ. Gibbing a Cyclops is very easy, but starting with Basilisks, it becomes very hard very fast unless in a specialized build. In general, gibbing anything other than a Cyclops is not practical. There is a difference between a solo gib and a team gib.
The hearts of an interceptor do not take damage until it is exerted; to exert the heart, a set percent of damage must be done to the hull health of the interceptor. Review the chart for each interceptor.

When the interceptor still has hearts left, it will regenerate its hull percent at a constant rate; this rate increases with the difficulty of the interceptor. Once exerted, the interceptor will instantly regenerate its hull to the current max level; this maximum will decrease as more hearts are destroyed.
Once the heart is destroyed, the interceptor will permanently lose a percentage of maximum hull health. The lost hull health cannot be regenerated.
Combat Zones / Areas
Combat Zones / Areas – Basic Proficiency
Instancing (Best Practices)
Before discussing the best practices, we will learn how Elite: Dangerousโ multiplayer differs. When playing in a Private Group (PG) or Open, all players are in an โinstanceโ at a specific location. Locations can be, Signal sources, Points of interest, or even random places in space. An instance is like a parallel world. The server will create new instances for more players to reduce load and lag. This is why sometimes you cannot see wing members while being in the same location noticing separate instances between players.
To battle this and instance properly, we will use the wing mechanism. Being in the same wing, the game will try to put you and wing members into the same instance. Mass player instancing
- Starting a winged Instance:
- A wing member shall be in an instance
- As more players join the instance via wing drop or wingman-nav-lock start splitting people out of the wing.
- Split members can now mass invite
The instance will reset itself if there are no more players left in it. So unless resetting is the desire, keep at least 1 member of the wing in the instance while others are going for a Rearm, Repair, Resupply (RRR). This will keep the instance going.
It is also highly recommended that wing members lock onto the team signal of the player who is already in the instance. This will greatly increase the chances of success, but it will also allow you to drop from supercruise a lot faster and from a lot further away. Do note that if the wing-mate is near a Stellar Body, locking the team signal will drop you from about 1Mm away. If that is the case, simply keep the signal lock, go into supercruise again; and the next time you drop, you will drop right on top of your wing-mate.
Methods to fix a Bugged Instance:
- Start cycling 1 player out of the instance at a time; and when the player that caused the bug is out of the instance, the bug will disappear. Remember to bring that player back afterward.
- Completely reset the instance by all players leaving.
Titanspace Instancing (Best Practices)
The Titans scripts are finnicky. Easily getting interrupted, reset or perma stuck.
Those errors mostly occur when someone joins or leaves the Instance during active vent-bombing, extended core or during the Torus attack.
It is required that Players coordinate in voice or chat to know when the Instance is free to join or leave.
During an Operation your Wing Leader or Operation Leader should make regular callouts whenever an Instance is safe to join/leave and when it is not. If you did not hear such a call or just joined the Operation please make sure to ask for the all-clear prior to dropping into the Instance.
Dropping from Supercruise at or near the edge of the Maelstrom cloud already counts as joining the Instance, so to prevent bugs it is recommended to standby in Supercruise or wait in normal space atleast 1 MM away from the cloud.
AXCZ Phases
Each Anti Xeno Combat Zone (AXCZ) is composed of 2 phases. The first phase contains many waves. Each wave will spawn either scouts, interceptors, or both. However, the first wave will always be scouts only. The second and last phase happens when the first phase has been completed. The second phase only spawns 1 thing, and that is a Hydra.
Spire Site Ship Combat
Orthruses at Spire Sites:
The Orthrus is a Thargoid Interceptor Variant with focus on logistics and intel gathering, they do not have guns, and no Hearts to regenerate Health.
This does not mean they are defenseless, they can deploy powerful shields to protect themselves and fire Shutdown Fields and Anti-Guardian Fields when getting triggered.
They will also summon reinforcements when triggered; in the form of a handful of scouts or the occasional Cyclops Interceptor at Spire Sites.
- Inbounds
They will enter the Spire Site Instance through a frame shift wake. They will travel around the Area for a while (sometimes longer, sometimes shorter), often pathing through the Courtyard.
They deploy Shields 2s after spawning. Their Shields decay slowly.
Their behavior is passive unless a player touches or fires upon them.- Scanners
A common term used for Inbound Orthruses that have pathed to the Courtyard and are scanning the structures there. - Runners
A common term used for Inbound Orthruses that have started their final approach to one of the 4 Ports on the Main Spire. Once they reach it they will disappear into the Spire.
During this final stretch the Orthruses will not respond to Attacks with Pulses and keep on moving.
- Scanners
- Outbounds
Orthruses that exit the Ports on the Main Spire. Their goal is to leave the Instance – constantly going up until they finally open a frame shift wake and disappear.
They are more alert; proximity will already be enough to tick them off, making them fire their Pulses and spawn reinforcements.
Caustic Generators and Sampling
Caustic Generators are unique to the Maelstrom, and they only exist in the outer layers. These generators look like tank traps and will move periodically. When they move, they leave behind a very strong caustic trail. Avoid those trails at all costs. Caustic Generators are also heat-seeking. They will actively move towards a heat signature if they detect one; and when the heat signature is within range, the Caustic Generators will explode.
The explosion will create a massive blast, pushing back all objects caught within. The blast will also disable ship thrusters, and inflict caustic damage.
To access the Maelstrom, you will need to sample a few of these generators for their tissue sample. The sample you will be getting is called the โCaustic Tissue Sampleโ.
To sample a Caustic Generator, hereโs a video guide:
To sample a Caustic Generator, in short:
- Find a Caustic Generator
- Approach the Caustic Generator with Silent Running engaged
- Scan the generator with a Xeno Scanner
- Sub-target the โLimpet Docking Portโ
- Fire a research limpet and wait for the limpet to return
The ship-building theory for sampling Caustic Generators is pretty simple:
- No Guardian modules, as the Maelstrom system will have an Anti-Guardian Field active at all times
- Be as cold as you can, engineer the power plant with Low Emission + Thermal Spread
- If possible, have Corrosion Resistant Cargo Racks, since the tissue samples are caustic
- Weapons-wise, EAXMR is preferred
- The faster the ship is, the better
- If possible, a class 7 multi-limpet controller is all you need
Here is a ship that requires no previous Maelstrom experience.
Accessing the Titan
To access the Titan, you will need a Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer (TPN) and Caustic Sink Launchers (CSLs). The TPN is used to get through the energy pulse when you get close to the Titan; the pulse is a weird shade of light blue and has an audio queue to it. Before the pulse is launched, you will hear a low-pitched rev-up sound, followed by a loud โhonkโ (similar to the honk of the FSS) when it is fired.
To counter the pulse, move all 4 pips into systems, then simply engage and hold the TPN button, and wait for the weird light blue bubble to go past you. This process is identical to countering a Shut-down Field with a neutralizer.
The CSLs will soak up the caustic damage on the way through the caustic zone, and it will take about 4 caustic sinks to comfortably access the Titan in a Krait MkII.
With those, all you need to do is point the ship towards the Titan, and boost in a straight line until you are there. Keep an eye out for the Caustic Generators along the way, and fly FA-on; as the Maelstrom space is extremely unstable and will throw the ship around.
Combat Zones / Areas – Advanced Proficiency
Instancing (Regional Peer-To-Peer Desync)
With Peer to Peer games the players connect directly to each other. One player’s computer sends packets directly to the other player’s computer. Any information about actions from Players in the Instance will have to travel through and inbetween the players’ networks.
This means that players from other geological regions will experience the associated ping as if they were playing on a non-locate server. For example, if the information of an NPC in the instance is traveling through a players network somewhere in Europe, then every single North American player will experience ping-related issues. The ping-related issues will express themselves in the form of desync.
AXCZ Enemies
Every type of scout and interceptor can spawn at an AXCZ, with the Hydra spawning at the end. Depending on the difficulty of the AXCZ, the spawn table of interceptors, and the number of Hydras changes.
The difficulty of AXCZ goes: Low -> Medium -> High -> Very High
Both Low and Medium CZs will spawn 1 Hydra at the end. High and Very High CZs will spawn 2 Hydras at the end and will spawn Glaives during the waves.
Player Threat and Titan Threat Level
The Titan will feel more threatened as the number of players in Titan space increases. Often going to Red Alert immediately. Player threat can increase exponentially from simple things; beaming the titan to stay cold, missing extraction missiles on the hull, and drilling too deep during extractions. A build-up of a high player threat level and the Titan will conduct its โBoss Moveโ and the blue Torus Effect will occur.
Titan Space & System Dangers
Commanders will encounter interdictions on their way through a Titans’ System, until they reach the Maelstrom.
The permanent Anti-Guardian Zone in that entire System will destroy any susceptible guardian equipment.
Combat in Titan space will take place constrained by the asteroid belt around the actual Titan. While the asteroids themselves pose a great ramming threat to players, there are also a lot of mines in the belt. These Caustic Seed Generators (mines) are triggered by damage or proximity. They can be used to bait patroling Interceptors to that spot through detonating them.
Combat Zones / Areas – Master Proficiency
Target Prioritization
Always go for the highest threat. In an AXCZ, when Scouts are present, the Berserker holds the highest priority; since it will trigger present Marauders to fire a caustic missile. Otherwise, take out the toughest interceptor on the field.
Glaives will always be the priority. They are the fastest and most nimble Thargoid, and they cause the most problems with their lighting attacks, such as causing a wing member to become tackled, where Interceptors can place accurate damaging fire. In Titan space, Scouts are not usually a target as they either jump out or return to the Titan.
Its also the leaders best judgement between a fellow Commander under fire and a hyper aggressive Thargoid vessel.
Multi-Goiding (Best Practices in AXCZ)
Multi-goiding is a term used while simultaneously killing two or more Thargoid Interceptors, killing each heart and immediately moving to the next Interceptor. Often you will be dealing with AX Pilots, wing members, and if in Open, other players not on comms as well as the swarm. Keeping an open line of communication about each assists in the teamโs full situational awareness. Things such as, swarm states, and distances between interceptors. At least one person should consistently use a call-out to ensure that everybody is aware of the next move. For instance, โHeart Down, over to the Basiliskโ.
Most of the time, it is good advice for the person that has the Interceptorโs aggro to have a stable orbit and not drastically change vector as the wing members can โmatchโ orbit and have effective hits on the front end of the Interceptor.
Titan Space (Wing)
Patrols of Glaives and interceptors are very common. Unlike normal Thargoids, Thargoids within the Titan space, base their targeting heavily, if not entirely on line-of-sight. A common maneuver to prevent detection is to hide behind an asteroid.
Note: Once a line-of-sight has been established, it cannot be broken by distance or heat alone.
Players per instance in Titan Space add Player Threat
20 >= Hydra
15 >= Medusa
10 >= Basilisk
1 >= Cyclops
Weapons – Basic Proficiency
Guardian Weapons
There are 3 different Guardian weapons in the game:
- Guardian Gauss Cannon
- Guardian Shard Cannon
- Guardian Plasma Charger
Guardian Gauss Cannon
The Guardian Gauss Cannon (gauss) is the oldest Guardian weapon in the game.
- Best balance between damage and armor penetration
- Hit-scan weapon
- Forgiving optimal range of 1500m
- Highest thermal generation
- Lowest total ammo count
Anti-Xeno Mutli-Cannons (AXMC)
AXMCs come in two main variants, each with their subclasses:
- AXMC is the original iteration of the AXMC family:
- Fixed / Turreted mounts
- Class 2/3
- Effective against Cyclops; and works against Basilisks
- Enhanced AXMC (EAXMC) is the improved version of the original AXMCs; and Azimuth Bio-Tech has their own pre-engineered versions of it:
- Fixed / Gimbaled / Turreted mounts
- Class 2/3
- Azimuth pre-engineered EAXMCs (Gimbaled mount, class 2/3)
- Very effective against Cyclops and Basilisks; struggle against the passive regen of a Medusa
The Azimuth version of EAXMCs are pre-engineered with Over-Charged and Auto-Loader effects. It offers:
- Higher rate of fire (RoF)(highest out of all AXMC versions)
- Highest sustained damage per minute (DPM)
- Highest heat generation of the AXMC family
Anti-Xeno Missile Rack (AXMR)
Just like AXMCs, AXMRs comes in two main variants, each with their subclasses:
- AXMR, just like AXMC, this is the original iteration of the AXMR family; and Sirius Corperation has made their own pre-engineered versions:
- Fixed / Turreted mounts
- Class 2/3
- Sirius pre-engineered AXMRs (Fixed mount, class 2/3)
- Enhanced AXMR (EAXMR) is the improved iteration of the original AXMR:
- Fixed / Turreted mounts
- Class 2/3
The Sirius versions of the AXMR is pre-engineered with High-Capacity and Rapid-Fire effects. Offering:
- Highest RoF of the AXMR family
- Lowest damage per shot of the AXMR family
- Highest sustained DPM of the AXMR family
Long-Range Thermal Vent (LRTV) Beam Laser
LRTV beam lasers are very often used in AX combat, especially against Interceptors. They serve two purposes:
- Allow the ship to stay cold without the use of heat sinks
- Help with stripping Interceptor shields
LRTV beam lasers should not be fired during an attack run (there is a few exceptions to this). Firing the beam laser will drain the capacitor, which means less capacitor for the main AX weaponry; and in ED, the heat generation also increases as the capacitor descreases; hence, heating the ship up even more.
Weapons – Advanced Proficiency
Modified Gauss Cannon
The Modified Guardian Gauss Cannon (mod gauss) is very similar to the Imperial Hammer railgun. The mod gauss fires 4 shots per trigger pull, instead of the 1 shot with the standard gauss cannon.
Each shot does 25% of the total damage of the standard gauss; though even with the damage of all 4 shots combined, the mod gauss still does a little less damage than standard gauss class to class.
There is no statistic on Guardian Modified Gauss Cannon that does any better than its counterpart
Modified Guardian Shard Cannon (MSC)
Unlike the mod gauss, the mod shards are a great example of a successfully modified weapon.
Modified shards have almost 6 times the shot speed of a standard shard cannon, making it very easy to get the guns on target. On top of increased shot speed, mod shards also have much higher damage (almost double compared to standard shards of the same class), and much tighter spread.
All of those improvements paired with a better optimal range of 1500m, more armor penetration, cheaper ammo synthesis, and the ability to fire on the pull of the trigger, mod shards are growing in popularity.
Modified Guardian Plasma Charger (MPC)
Just like the mod shards, MPCs also received improvements in the same areas.
MPCs are also the most capacitor hungry AX weapon in the game, limiting it to only being effective with a hand full of ships.
MPCs also have the highest damage per shot out of all AX weapons in game. However, MPCs have the lowest armor penetration when compared to mod shards and gauss class to class; and the shot speed has been increased significantly over regular plasma chargers
Weapons – Master Proficiency
Minimum Time On Target
Utilize the /mttot on the Bot to assist in determining how long it will take to Exert a heart
Ship Loadouts
Ship Loadouts – Basic Proficiency
Use of the AFMU
The Auto Field-Maintenance Unit is super critical for prolonged engagements. Synthesis can be used for increased repair speed. Multiple modules will increase repair speed.
Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner
The PWXS is used while in Titan Space and allows the player to identify Thargoid Bio-Capsule nodes and Titan Tissue Samples as well as other collectible materials around the titan. This module also acts as a Xeno Scanner with a range of 1000m.
Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer
The TPN is used during entry of Titan Space. Utilizes System Capacitor while the activation button is being held down during the passing of the wave. It also houses a Shutdown Field Neutralizer, which only protects the playerโs ship.
Repair Limpet Controller (RLC)
RLCโs are critical to staying on the field. Only one may be attached at a time. RLCโs of a higher Class number do far faster repairs for more repairs completed per limpet. D Rated repair limpet controllers are lighter weight and less power-draw whereas A has the most range. RLCs of the same Class number all have the same Repair capacity. Taking damage while a repair limpet is active will destroy the current active limpet.
Hull/Module Reinforcement Protections
- Guardian Hull Reinforcement Protection
- Not susceptible to Anti-Guardian Fields
- Requires power
- Can not be engineered, therefore less capable than Engineered HRP
- Hull Reinforcement Protection
- Can be used in any condition of Thargoid Combat
- Does not require power
- Can be engineered
- Most preferred for Thargoid Combat
- Meta Alloy Hull Reinforcement Protection
- Very little gain in Hull percentage
- Can not be engineered
- Provides small boost to Caustic Protection
- Guardian Module Reinforcement Protection
- Requires Power
- Fitting this as the largest possible (Non-Military Slot) is key. Fitting only 1 module is necessary.
- Provides bonus protection from lightning attack and HUD disruption
- Module Reinforcement Protection
- Conjoined with GMRP, this module adds to the overall module protection percent. Fit multiple. Max of 3 or 4.
Guardian Module Reinforcement Packages (GMRP)
gMRPs are a viable, and a popular option on AX ships. It is not required to have gMRPs installed to fight Thargoids; and most of the times, only the largest MRP on the ship is swapped for a gMRP of the same class.
gMRPs offer 10% more integrity than Human MRPs of the same class. This 10% increase comes at the cost of a minor power draw.
Since gMRPs are powered, this means that they can rebooted. By installing one gMRP into the ship, the pool of modules that can be affected during a lighting attack is increased. Hence helping to reduce the chances of a critical module getting rebooted by the lighting attack.
Finally, the gMRP is affected by the Anti-Guardian Field (AGF). Rendering it useless in Maelstroms, Spires, or whenever an Orthrus/Glaive is present.
Power Priorities
Understanding your power Priorities is critical. Can be set in a group from 1 to 5. Things that are the most important should be set to 1 and least important set to 5.
Ship Loadouts – Advanced Proficiency
Titan Killer
CMDR Mechan designed the TitanKiller to stay running cold and fire Enhanced AXMC or Azimuth AXMC (runs hotter). This has the best survivability, sustainability, and capability overall of any of the other ships in game for this task. This ship is fast, contains 64t of repair limpets, and can permanently boost. Speed is king for Thargoid Combat. Large ships simply canโt compete in Titan Space for survivability and firepower.
Potential for firing finger exhaustion is possible, there is an Auto Hot Key macro available at request should it be needed. It turns the firing key into a toggle. On or Off.

In-Space Repairs
In space repairs are critical for survivability. Continuous repair between the AFMU and either a Decontamination Limpet Controller or most effectively a Repair Limpet Controller.
Ship Loadouts – Master Proficiency
AXCZ Loadouts
AXCZ loadouts should contain self-reliance on repair. The fit should also have a mindset of what fits best with wing mates.
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue – Basic Proficiency
Titan Rescue Thargoid Bio-Capsule
Thargoid Bio-Capsules release 8 to 9 capsules per node. They immediately attract Scythes which deploy Thargoid limpets to pick them up
Titan Rescue Ship Hiding Spot
During Titan Rescues, there is a branch that is hidden under the plain of each petal. Hiding here will allow Titan Alert levels to reduce to Idle and reduce player Threat.

Titan Rescue Extraction Missiles
Drilling to deep (past the blue zone) will cause player threat level to increase within Titan Space.
Search and Rescue – Advanced Proficiency
Titan Rescues Common Thargoid Glitches
Often a Thargoid will become stuck within the Titan Maw or hover just above it. If this happens, the Yellow (Alert) will never downgrade to Green (Idle). Sometimes when the Titan does its boss move (blue Torus) it will eject the glitched Thargoid. Best case is to reset the instance.
Titan Rescues Titan Threat
Titan Threat is defined as having 4 levels. Green (Idle), Yellow (Lower Level Alert), Orange (Higher Level Alert), Red (Alert), and Blue Boss Torus Move. Additional player interactions once reaching certain levels, will increase Titan Threat.Titan Rescues Titan Boss Move
Titan Torus Boss Move (Blue) will emit module damage and emit a field that renders your ship uncontrollable. This will cause massive shield damage to shielded ships caught within its sphere.
Search and Rescue – Master Proficiency
Titan Rescues Thargoid Bio-Capsule Quantity
There are approximately 500 capsules per instance. They do respawn over time, but extremely slowly.
Titan Rescues Ship Loadout
Titan Rescue ship loadouts shall have the following considerations. Must run cold, have a large amount of Collector Limpet Controllers, Cargo Capacity, and have a shield.
Titan Rescues Titan Alert
Understanding the Alert stages and how to mitigate them during Titan rescues can assist in prolonging life. Titan Alert Mechanics are simply an increase in player threat past certain thresholds. It is possible to go from Idle (Green), to Red (Alert) from player actions. Even initial presence into Titan Space can make a Titan go to Red Alert. There are stages for Yellow and Orange where the Titan will dispatch Patrols.
War Knowledge
War Knowledge – Basic Proficiency
The Thargoids invaded the Bubble with 8 Titans.
Current Target
Review #defense-targets in AXI for general War targets.
Review #standing-orders and or DCoH for specific/high priority targets.
Defense Counsel of Humanity
Contains a data driven display of the Thargoid War.
Galaxy Thargoid War Map
The Thargoid War Map shows all system states per Titan and also displays the highest player activity per state.
Display options have some markers with icons to show certain activities that are currently happening within a system (“Port under attack” for example)
War Knowledge – Advanced Proficiency
Thargoid Spire Sites
Thargoid Spire sites contain a lot of incoming and outgoing Orthrus Interceptors. They are intel gatherers and logistics vessels for the Thargoids. The Spire Sites can also be contaminated and is infact a goal that XSF achieves for an achievable rank.
War efforts on these sites drive up war progression on the top 10 farthest systems from the Titan. Killing Orthrus or Sabotaging Spire sites contribute to this Mechanic
Thargoid Scout Samples
Scout Tissue Samples are one of the best ways to contribute to Alert and Control system War Progression. Since November of 2023, FDEV have been adjusting rates of which scout samples increase War Progression. They are significantly better than combat.
Thargoid System States
- Control
- Thargoids currently own this system. All Humans have been evicted
- Alert
- Thargoids are currently interested in this system and unless repelled will move into Invasion if the system is populated.
- If it is an unpopulated system, then it moves straight to Thargoid Control
- Invasion
- Human population will need to be evacuated and combat pilots will need to combat the Thargoids at stations.
Personal War Effort
Contributing to DCOH by clicking the contribute button will allow your efforts to be logged into the website. You can also use DCOHโs website to review your efforts.
War Knowledge – Master Proficiency
Prior to the Thargoid Maelstroms arriving in the Human Bubble, while enroute they were called Stargoids by the community.
DCOH Analysis
Sorting a Titan by its Controls, Alerts, and Invasion by distance will show you the systems. Best identify the Top 10 by Distance. Simplifying Counting down the list will give you the Top 10 outer most systems that Thargoid Spire site activity will attribute War Progression in.
System Strength – Allows you to see details about strength (in sample quantity required) for systems that are under Thargoid Control, Alert, and Invasion
Thargoid Spire Sites
Thargoid Spire Sites contain materials to collect, have a Sabotage mechanic, contain various enemies, and are generally a great farming location for making money. Thargoid Spire Sites attribute war progression evenly to the 10 outter most systems from the Thargoid Titan.