Scavenging at Titan Graveyards

A lot of people are asking โ€“ what is there even to scavenge at Titan graveyards? And what for? Hereโ€™s our list; YMMV depending on what you care to do in the game. We will sort them into Tiers by common usefulness.

There are currently 8 Titan Graveyards in the Bubble, all at the location where the respective Titans perished.
Cocijo – in Sol
Raijin – in Pegasi Sector IH-U b3-3
Leigong – in HIP 8887
Thor – in Col 285 Sector IG-O c6-5
Hadad – in HIP 30377
Oya – in Cephei Sector BV-Y b4
Indra – in HIP 20567
Taranis – in Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6

Loot types
The loot can be categorized into 2 broad types; Materials and Commodities/Cargo.
  • Materials you pick up will directly go to your Material Inventory account and can not cause you any harm.
  • Materials are capped at a maximum you can hold by your Material Inventory account.
  • Commodities/Cargo you pick up will go into your Ships cargohold.
  • Thargoid Cargo can be caustic, causing your ship internal harm when picked up,
    it is heavily recommended to fit your ship with Caustic-Resistant Cargo Rack(s)
Graveyard Environment
To have a successful experience it is good to know the environment.

Graveyards are left behind ater a Titan has perished and its maelstrom dissolved, there will be no Mines or Repulsion wave to keep you out.
They typically undergo three phases:

  • High caustic โ€“ in the week immediately following the destruction of a Titan, the area will be highly caustic and it may be challenging to operate in with even a well equipped ship.
    Thargoid craft will patrol the area, including occasional Scouts, Scythes and Interceptor(s).
    Scythes should leave you alone aslong as they do not detect Thargoid Bio-Storage Capsules in your hold.
  • Medium-Low-caustic โ€“ in the second week after a Titan is destroyed, the caustic levels will reduce and it will be possible to operate within the caustic cloud easily with some prep. The area will be patrolled by NPC AX pilots and engage Thargoid craft when detected.
  • Non-caustic โ€“ By the third week, the caustic cloud will fully dissipate. The area will continue to be patrolled by NPC AX pilots and joined by NPCs scavenging and collecting in the graveyard. NPC pirates will also patrol, inspect your cargo for commodities and engage you if any are detected.

(For reasons unknown the Cocijo Graveyard in Sol has skipped to the low-caustic phase and does not spawn NPCs or hostiles at the current moment)

Equipment recommendations
Come prepared with the right ship to get the job done efficiently
  • Sufficient Cargo Racks (caustic Cargo Rack when needed) to hold Limpets and Loot
  • Collector Limpet Controller (or Universal)
  • Repair Limpet Controller (ideally Class 5 or integrated into a Universal one) when diving during a caustic-phase will help you out-heal the caustic damage.
  • Caustic Sinks are great during the heavy-caustic phase and still very useful during the low-caustic phase to cleanse the ship (leave atleast one sink for after you want to leave and cleanse your ship with it)
    They are not really needed after the caustic phases are over.
  • Decent speed to roam the Graveyard. Materials will spawn when you get into range, so keep moving to have a better chance of finding loot. Be aware that getting out of range of a Material can let it despawn.
  • Long Range Sensors (A rated even better) to render and spot more Loot
  • A Cold-running ship can help avoid detection from hostiles in the Graveyard if there are any.
  • A Beam or Abbrasion blaster if you plan on scraping materials off the Titans hull chunks (View C Tier)

You can find an example Imperial Clipper build here.

A-tier priority items

  • Required for Pre-Engineered (SCO) Frameshift Drives, available at Station Human Tech Brokers.
    The best Frameshift Drives currently in the Game.
    Note that these are pay-per-module purchases and not unlocks, here is a table of the costs:
  • Rarest item at graveyards
  • Was used in a past CG to research Supercruise Overcharge (SCO) FSDs

2) Caustic Crystals

  • One of three materials used in the anti-Anti Guardian Zone engineering (w/ Ram Tah)
  • Found only at graveyards and (formerly) in the caustic cloud of live Titans
  • Very rare, and hard to gather around live Titans; much easier to gather at graveyard

3) Caustic Shards & Corrosive Mechanisms

  • You need a LOT of these for synthesis of Caustic Sink Launcher ammunition (4x per synth and 2x per synth respectively)
  • Found only at graveyards and in the caustic cloud of live Titans; shards are also dropped by Glaives on death
  • Relatively common in caustic cloud around live Titans; but given the number needed, great to gather at graveyards as well

B-tier priority items

Useful for specific or ad-hoc thingsโ€‹

4) Meta Alloys & Thargoid Hearts

  • MAs needed for one-time unlock of 16t corrosion-resistant cargo rack
  • MAs needed for one-time unlock of Felicity Farseer engineer
  • MAs used in summoning additional interceptors to a scene (every “peaceful” interceptor scooping 5x Meta Alloys will summon an additional Cyclops)
  • Both needed to make (cosmetic) Thargoid dashboard bobblehead

5) All Thargoid (non-commodity) materials from scout/interceptor/scavengers such as Weapon Parts, Propulsion Elements, Thargoid Carapace, etc.

  • Used for specific types of AX ammunition synthesis
  • Used to purchase specific Pre-Engineered Human AX Weapons

6) Thargoid Sensors

  • Used to acccess Thargoid Surface sites
  • Can be used in the Central Device of Thargoid Surface sites
  • Can be destroyed for Sensor Fragments, which have some more usecases

C-tier priority items

NEW items of no known use (yet)โ€‹

7) Cyst Specimens, Bone Fragments, Organ Samples

  • No currently known uses
  • Spawned by shooting bits off of Titan remains
  • Speculated to be used in upcoming community goal

D-tier priority items

EXISTING items of no known useโ€‹

8) [Hunter/Interceptor] Tissue samples

  • No currently known uses
  • Can generally be mass-gathered elsewhere if needed (exception
    possibly being Orthrus Tissue Samples, as they jump out and thus cannot
    reliably be sampled repeatedly)

9) Thargoid resin

  • No currently known uses
  • Cannot be quickly farmed in other place where it spawns (Thargoid Surface Sites)

10) Caustic Tissue Samples [not to be confused with Hunter/Interceptor Tissue Samples]

  • Dropped by Scythes on death
  • No currently known uses
  • (Formerly used to unlock Caustic Sink Launchers, that requirement was removed shortly after Update 18)
  • Easy to farm if you’d ever need them

11) Protective Membrane Scraps

  • Dropped by Scythes on death
  • No currently known uses
  • Easy to farm if you’d ever need them

12) Thargoid Titan [Deep/Partial] Tissue Samples

  • Easily harvested en masse (using a Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner and a Research Limpet) from live Titans*
  • No currently known uses
  • Easy to farm if you’d ever need them*

E-tier priority items

Not worth picking up

13) Thargoid Bio-Storage Capsules

  • No real use for them since they do not help war progression for dead Titans
  • Carrying them makes Scythes hostile to you, making scavenging harder
  • Of minimal credit value (150k) when turned in
  • Can be gathered en masse far more effectively at live Titans, while also helping war progression*
  • Only worth picking up for role-playing reasons

*Since the destruction of All 8 Thargoid Titans in the Bubble and the end of the second Thargoid War – Live Titans, Maelstroms and scenarios involving Orthruses are inaccessible at the moment.