
We regularly host a variety of events such as Maelstrom Dives where we bring the fight to the Titans themselves. These are referred to as Operations and are an integral part of the Xeno Strike Force. Operations are frequently hosted during the weekend to allow greater compatibility with the schedules of our members, and there are opportunities to join during the week too!Operations are our primary means to drive content.

There are two distinct types of Operations:

Official Operations – Uniform shall be worn. Typically an Event with an associated Operation Order posted in #op-log by our GuardianAI Bot.
Operational Participation Credit can be earned. Have Mumble setup and be verified on the XSF Mumble before the time of the Op.

Unofficial Operations – Uniform Not Required. Typically just an Event without notice in its description that it is an Official Op.

Any and all of our members are welcome to participate in these operations, regardless of skill. The way we structure our wings makes it so nobody is left to fend for themselves. Being in Uniform is being part of the Team!

How to join

Check out the Event tab on top of the channel-list in the XSF Discord Server.
Notifications for both Official and Unofficial Ops will be posted there regularly!

If you want to participate in a given Event make sure to click the “Interested” Button on its Event notification!

On Official Operation Order events you will find a link to GuardianAI’s post in ‘#op-log‘, you will see further details and often a link to a Thread-Channel for the Operation there. Please join that Thread-channel for further coms and instructions for the Op.

When the Voice location for the Op is set to Mumble you have to be present in Mumble during the operation.
Have Mumble setup and be verified on the XSF Mumble before the time of the Op.

How to host

Official Operation Orders:
Anybody can create an Official Operation Order request through the GuardianAI bot. “/opord information”
Operation Order Requests will sit in a queue awaiting an Officer of XSF’s Leadership;
Major, Colonel, or General Staff to approve. Once they are approved the bot will create a notice in the XSF-Discord’s Event tab. You may not necessarily be the person running the Official Op, but you will have created a mission for us all to complete.
If your Order request has been accepted it is expected that you help in the Thread-channel and Op planning to a degree.

Unofficial Operations:
Anybody can create an unofficial Op on the XSF’s Discord Server. Simply head to the Event tab on top of the channel-list
and click “Create Event” to set one up.