Python Mk II: AX Builds
With the addition of the Python Mk II, we’ve been asking the most obvious question we could ask; can it be useful for AX? We’ve found the answer to be yes, and it is quite effective too. This page contains five ship builds using this new ship.
However, this ship is not as flexible as the Krait Mk II, a result of its smaller class six power distributor and much more limited internals. Some examples of weapons which you’d be better off using on a Krait are Gauss, Plasma Chargers (modified or not), and Modshards. You can certainly make them work on this ship, but at that point you should be flying a Krait if you want the best bang for your buck.
All modules require 100% G5 engineering.
For most other ships this is unnecessary, but to make the Python Mk II viable for AX combat it requires a configuration that leaves no room for error in engineering regarding anything that affects power consumption or production.

The Python Mk II is by far the best ship for a bombing configuration. It combines the Mamba’s mobility with the Krait’s damage potential, and it has an amazing thermal profile.
This ship easily makes up for being relatively squishy with its performance when used properly, though it can hull tank in emergencies if needed, shields will provide regenerative protection in this case. Every bomber variant benefits greatly from having a ship with a concordant sequence pulse laser in its wing to buff shield regeneration.
There are three types of bomber; one for solo players and two for a coordinated wing assault.
TitanBomber v3.1 A
This ship is heatsink intensive on account of lacking a thermal vent laser, so bring plenty of synthing materials with you.It is the mightiest of all Python Mk II bombers, being able to 100% to 0% a Core by itself in a single run.
You definetely can bring this beast to wing-scenarios, but might want to consider dropping the medium Shard cannon for some conveniance like a LRTV beam or concordent pulse.
When your shields break, retreat to the asteroid field while cold or in silent running. If you’re…
- … under fire, turn your shield boosters off to rebuild shields faster.
- … not under fire, reboot/repair in the asteroid field.
Only use your AFMU in an emergency, and prioritize repairing your nanite torpedo if it is at all damaged.
Recommended fire groups are as follows:
- A) Nanite Torpedo + Heatsink;
- A) 5x AGF Shards; B) Heatsink
- A) CSL; B) TPN
TitanBomber v3.0 B
This ship is heatsink intensive on account of lacking a thermal vent laser, so bring plenty of synthing materials with you.
You may replace the missiles with AGF engineered Large Guardian Shards.
Unless you are performing a bombing run you should stay locked onto wingmates as concordant sequence only works on them. Speaking of, use the laser sparingly as it can easily overheat you if you’re under thrust and shields are charging.
Recommended fire groups are as follows:
- A) Nanite Torpedo + First Heatsink; B) Concordant Sequence Pulse Laser
- A) 4x Sirius AXMRs + Second Heatsink; B) Concordant Sequence Pulse Laser
- A) CSL; B) TPN
TitanBomber v3.0 C
This build gives up the nanite torpedo pylon for the ability to fit both a concordant sequence laser and a thermal vent laser
You may replace the missiles with AGF engineered Large Guardian Shards.
Unless you are performing a bombing run you should stay locked onto wingmates as concordant sequence only works on them. Speaking of, use the laser sparingly as it can easily overheat you if you’re under thrust and shields are charging.
Recommended fire groups are as follows:
- A) 4x Sirius AXMRs + Heatsink; B) Thermal Vent Beam Laser
- A) Concordant Sequence Pulse Laser ; B) Thermal Vent Beam Laser
- A) CSL; B) TPN
TitanKiller v3.0 F

This escort build is different to the previous iterations of the TitanKiller; it has a shield. As such, you should pay closer attention to the status of your ship at any given time compared to the Krait.
If you do not have access to prismatic shields, a regular shield of the same class will suffice, though you will need to be far more careful. You may use 0E Shield Boosters instead of the 0D ones, there is a negligible difference. The power plant may optionally be monstered instead of Thermal Spread. Military Grade Armor may be used in place of Lightweight Armor, though it’s not recommended.
When not actively fighting, remain locked onto wingmates in case you need to use the concordant sequence laser on them.
Recommended fire groups are as follows:
- A) 4x Enhanced AXMCs + Heatsink; B) Thermal Vent Beam Laser + Enhanced Xeno Scanner
- A) Concordant Sequence Pulse Laser ; B) Thermal Vent Beam Laser + Enhanced Xeno Scanner
- A) CSL; B) TPN
OreoSnacker v3.1 S
The OreoSnacker is hot. Do not use it in Titanspace.
With that out of the way, this ship is meant for hunting Thargoids down at Spires. Its four large shardcannons can easily gun down Orthruses and even annihilate the rare interceptor that jumps in before it has a chance to shield if two or more commanders coordinate with each other.
For information on how to use this build, refer to general Spire operations.
ZoneFighter v3.1 Z
The ZoneFighter’s weaponry and heat signature are unsuited for Titanspace.
With that out of the way, this ship is meant for fighting at AX Conflict Zones. It is not as sturdy as a Krait MK II but it is nice to fly and packs a punch.
For information on how to use this build, refer to general Spire operations.