AXCZs Role in Thargoid Conflict

At Anti-Xeno Conflict Zones you can combat waves of Thargoid Scouts, Interceptors and in some cases Hunters. They are Signals/PoIs and or Stations under attack in Systems with Thargoid conflict.

They are great Scenarios to come together as a Team with other Commanders and fight Thargoids continously.

During War-times, destorying Thargoid Vessels and completing the CZs will progress that War-System in which they are located.

You can also find good general information on AXCZs and more on the AXI Wiki.
You can find our recommended ship-configs on our AXCZs Builds page.

What to expect

Center of the Zone (sometimes may be a Station/Port featuring RRR, sometimes just open space), Enemies will spawn around here. Getting too far away (~70km) will reset the Instance.
You will get an Invite to the Conflict Scenario via your top-left panel. A progress-bar will appear on your top-right panel after joining. The radio voice will keep you up-to-date with the current progress of the CZ.

AX Pilot NPCs spawning to support you. Their use will be limited to taking out scouts and being able to exert Interceptors depending on the number of AX NPCs.
Interceptors will often focus and face these hot-running NPCs, which can be suboptimal when trying to snipe exerted Hearts.
They will trigger Interceptors special attacks after Heart destruction very often.

  • 1st Phase
    The first wave will spawn 10-20 Scouts. Take out Scouts with colored special-attack-pulses first, especially Berserkers (orange-red). After clearing you will receive a bond and the next wave will begin.
    The second wave will spawn Interceptors, they will emit Shutdown-Fields a few seconds after entering through their Witchspace-Portal. Depending on the difficulty of the AXCZ, the spawn table of different interceptors varies.
    More Interceptors and Scouts will keep spawning in periodicly.

High+ Difficulty and Station/Port Conflict Zones may spawn Thargoid Glaive Hunters in waves of 3!
They will emit Anti-Guardian Fields, destroying any Guardian equipment that hasn’t been engineered with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance (excluding Guardian hull Reinforcements).

  • 2nd Phase
    When the progress bar is filled you will receive a bond for completion and the Hydra(s) will be announced.
    The Hydras will spawn, depending on the difficulty it may be 1, 2 or even 3 in large Station CZs. Each will give their regular bond when destroyed – defeating all will give you an additional bond by the Conflict Zone Scenario.


  • Open Space AX Conflict Zone
    • Low (1 Hydra at the end)
    • Medium (1 Hydra at the end)
    • High (2 Hydras at the end, Glaives may spawn)
    • Very High (2 Hydras at the end, Glaives may spawn)
  • Stations under attack
    • Groundports (2 Hydras at the end, Glaives may Spawn)
    • Outposts (2 Hydras at the end, Glaives may Spawn)
    • Large Stations (3 Hydras at the end, Glaives may Spawn)

Where to find static AXCZs left in Nebulas

At the current time we know only of a couple static Nebula AXCZs left in the California Nebula, ~1000ly away from the Center of the Human bubble.

  • California Sector BA-A e6
    • 1x High, 1x Medium AXCZ near Body 4 (both functional)
      • Medium CZ is at 450km altitude within orbital cruise, can be annoying.
  • California Sector HR-W d1-28
    • 2x High, 1x Medium AXCZ near Body 3 (1 Medium and 1 High functional, other High not functional)
      • The Medium and High CZ on the same face of the Body seem to work,
        the other High CZ (lowest altitude of the CZs, 1.38Mm) seems broken at the moment of recon.
  • California Sector JH-V c2-12
    • 1x Medium AXCZ near body 6 (functional)

Thanks to CMDR Grimscrub of the AXI for sharing his reconnaissance
and SweetyKek for reminding of their existence

Where to find AXCZs in War Systems

Only occurs during War time. Last seen during the end of the 2nd Thargoid-Human War in December 3310.

They usually spawn in Invasion and Control Systems.
Open and filter the Systems in the current Cycle for what you are looking for.
Systems – Current Cycle

  • Select the Titan(s) Frontline you want to fight at.
  • Select the State(s) you want to filter for if any.
  • The Features you want to filter for are AX Conflict Zones, Starport under attack, Ground port under attack. Depending where you want to fight at.

Alternatively you can find current community targets on Discord in AXI’s #defense-targets or XSF’s #standing-orders.

Ships and Equipment

While they serve as the basis, there are some modifications that should be made to the Builds used for Interceptor-Duels to better fit the environment of a AXCZ.
You will encounter numerous Enemies, prolonged fights and NPC-triggered Interceptor special attacks at AXCZs.

Please reference our AXCZ Builds Page, recommended builds and AXCZ build theory are located there.