Anti-Xeno Conflict Zone Builds

For general Information on AXCZs please visit our AXCZ Guide Page.

You can find our recommended AXCZ Builds in the Tab-boxes bellow.

AXCZ Ship-Build Philosophy

AXCZ Ships are heavily based on Solo Builds – with some modifications for the Scenario.

At AXCZs we will encounter multiple enemies over an extended period of time and a number of threats that we can not entirely avoid like in solo Interceptor fights.

  • Scouts
    • Caustic missile barrages triggered by Berserkers can pile up
  • Interceptors
    • Shutdown Fields upon entry and 2nd to last Heart destruction
    • Caustic Missile barrages, often banked for extended periods of time
    • Heavy caustic Clouds left behind upon death
    • Swarms, often agitated and will act hectic and change aggro often
  • Glaives
    • Spawn in high+ and station CZs in waves of 3
    • Anti-Guardian Field, melting guardian equipment that isnt resistant


  • Modified Guardian Shard Cannons – Recommended Overall
    Overall the best option, good ammo efficiency, good for exerting and heartsniping.
    Good for gibbing clops.
  • Modified Guardian Plasma Chargers
    Solid Option, strong for exertion, great ammo efficiency, harder to heartsnipe with.
    Less heat buildup comparibly.
    Consider the visual occlusion by the plasma clouds when using in wing environment.
  • Guardian Gauss Cannons
    A strong classic but some things to consider for CZs;
    Low Ammo count. Relies on Rearm or frequent synthing over long fights.
    Best weapon for Heart-sniping. Not great for gibbing.
    Can be engineered with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance, Glaive AGF will be no issue.
  • Enhanced / Azimuth AX Multicannons
    Generally inferior to all Guardian options. Use only when you want to focus on Scouts and Hunters in a wing environment or and dont have anything else.
  • Flak – Not recommended
    You can fit Flak on your ship but it is not recommended on mediums. On Large ships that have hardpoints to spare this is more viable. Extra beams for thermals and shield stripping will most likely serve you better.
    The Problem with Flak in AXCZs is that Swarms will act quite hectic, changing aggro and directions quite often.
    With the concentrated firepower in CZs the Hearts of Interceptors will be destroyed so quickly that taking on Swarms every time will become a sisyphus job. Using flakless flying and strategies is recommended.


  • Shutdown Field Neutraliser – Mandatory
    Pretty much mandatory – Interceptors will always shutdown-pulse upon jumping in. The 2nd-to-last-Heart pulse will very often be triggered by NPCs (or other players).
    Hold down the trigger until the Shutdown Pulse has passed over you. Put in more pips in SYS when you expect multiple shutdowns or desync.
  • Caustic Sink – Recommended
    While not mandatory, these can be incredibly handy when encountering any of the numerous sources of caustic at AXCZs.
    They will soak up Caustic damage to a high degree. You can launch them off like Heatsinks once they are filled.
    Alternatives like decontamination limpets have fallen out of favor quite drasticly.
    Overheating your ship to cook off the caustic is viable, but often inconvenient.
  • Enhanced Xeno Scanner – Optional
    A convenient, but very much optional tool. Ships with only 4 slots should think carefully before giving up a slot for these.
    ModShards and Gauss can do very well without – and benefit a lot from an extra Heatsink on ships with limited Utility slots, as they generate quite a lot of heat when keeping up decent firerate.
    ModPlasmas are a bit harder to hit Hearts with and generate less heat usualy – making space for a Scanner is a solid option here.

Optional Internals

  • Repair Limpet Controller – Heavy recommend in open Space, Optional at Stations
    Combined with Cargo Racks to carry Limpets – having repair capabilities is very useful and heavily recommended in open space scenarios.
    You may drop these at Stations where you can go for RRR, replacing with more Hull Reinforcements usualy. But keeping your repairs will not hurt you though.
  • Auto FIeld Maintenance Unit – Mandatory in open Space, Optional at Stations
    AFMUs are needed to repair Module-damage. Heavily recommended in open space scenarios.
    You may drop these at Stations where you can go for RRR, replacing with more Hull Reinforcements usualy. But keeping your repairs will not hurt you though.
  • Module Reinforcements
    MRPs will give you Module damage Resistance and serve as buffers to soak up moduledamage.
    A consideration you need to make is encountering Anti-Guardian Fields on the Thargoid Warfronts. If you plan to visist a High+ difficulty or Station CZ you may encounter Glaives. Guardian Module Reinforcements will be susceptible.
    Usual convention is therefore to use Human MRPs for the lower sized slots, and either a Human or Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance engineered Guardian variant for the largest one.

VariantWeaponsArmorRepair / Cargo (T)Boost (LDN)Link
AXCZ ModShard CC KraitModShards2.4195D / 64537EDSY
AXCZ MPC CC KraitModPlasmas2.4195D / 64538EDSY
Solo/AXCZ Gauss CC KraitGauss2.4195D / 64538EDSY

Krait Mk II Common Core at AXCZs

The Krait Mk II is the Thargoid War Meta, with unmatched versatility.

  • Great Firepower due to its Hardpoint layout
  • Size 7 Destributor, can feed even ModPlasmas well, perma boosting
  • High survivability, repair capacity, carrying space
  • Less nimble than the Chieftain

The XSF mainly features the Common Core variants of the 2024 Krait Mk II Thargoid War Builds

Common Core Krait Mk II – ModShards

  • Armament:
    4M Modified Guardian Shard Cannons, 1L Fixed Thermal Vent Beam Laser
  • Speed:
    537 Boost (LDN), 390 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    2.419 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 64 T capacity
  • Utility:
    2 Heatsinks, 1 Cautic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser (TPN acceptable but not ideal)

Common Core Krait Mk II – ModPlasmas

  • Armament:
    4M Modified Guardian Plasma Chargers, 1L Fixed Thermal Vent Beam Laser
  • Speed:
    538 Boost (LDN), 390 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    2.419 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 64 T capacity
  • Utility:
    2 Heatsinks, 1 Cautic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser (TPN acceptable but not ideal)

Common Core Krait Mk II – Gauss

  • Armament:
    4M Guardian Gauss Cannons, 1L Fixed Thermal Vent Beam Laser
  • Speed:
    538 Boost (LDN), 390 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    2.419 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 64 T capacity
  • Utility:
    4 Heatsinks – for Solo Interceptor combat
    2 Heatsinks, 1 Cautic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser (TPN acceptable but not ideal) – for AXCZ combat

VariantWeaponsArmorRepair / Cargo (T)Boost (LDN)Link
AXCZ 4MS Chally 16tModShards2.6435D / 16509EDSY

Alliance Challenger at AXCZs

The Alliance Challenger is the renowned Chieftains Sistership variant. Though not as agile, it can pack quite the punch.

  • Hardpoint layout better suited for ModShards than the Chieftain (or MPC)
  • 3 bottom Medium Hardpoints with godly convergence, 4th on top not so much
  • Less nimble than the Chieftain

The Challenger is a great choice for AXCZs – being able to be flown with quite a nonchalant “let me punch you in the face” attitude. It will serve you well, be it gibbing Clopses or taking out Hydras.

AXCZ Alliance Challenger – ModShards 16t

  • Armament:
    4M Modified Guardian Shardcannons, 3S Fixed Thermal Vent Beamlasers (Note: you may replace some of the lrtv beams with Cytoscrambler Burstlasers for faster shield-stripping if you wish so)
  • Speed:
    509 Boost (LDN), 328 military speed
  • Survivability:
    2.643 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 16t Limpet space (Note: you may configure for 64t of space by replacing the 5D Module reinforcement with a 6c Cargo Rack, and in turn replacing the 2x 3c Cargo Racks with 3D Module reinforcements)
  • Utility:
    2 Heatsinks, 1 Caustic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser

VariantWeaponsArmorRepair / Cargo (T)Boost (LDN)Link
AXCZ Chief 64tGauss3.2705D / 64530EDSY

Alliance Chieftain at AXCZs

The Alliance Chieftain is a great and agile ship for fighting Interceptors, as we know from the meta-Chief. Some modifications make it a great contender for certain CZ Scenarios.

  • Most nimble meta AX fighter
  • Sturdy Armor and good repair capabilities
  • Hardpoint layout limited compared to Krait, Chally or Python

Though the Chieftain lacks in raw firepower often desirable for CZs, its agility and sturdiness are beloved by everyone who owns a metachief. The Chief, with its layout more suited for Gauss, finds a role as a Heartsniper in hectic CZs, aswell as performing great in High and Very High CZ Scenarios without RRR. (Especially with AGF engineered Gauss, making Glaives less of a threat)

AXCZ Alliance Chieftain – Gauss 64t

  • Armament:
    4 Medium Gauss (Feel free to Anti-Guardian Zone engineer these to have a much easier life in High and Very High CZ scenarios!), 1M and 1S Thermal Vent Beam Lasers (Cytoscrambler Burst Laser is an alternative option for the small Beam)
  • Speed:
    530 Boost (LDN), 369 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    3.270 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 64t Limpet space (64t are a nice quality of life optional and the Chieftain deals very well with the extra weight – you may keep a 16t configuration of a regular Metachief if you wish)
  • Utility:
    2 Heatsinks, 1 Caustic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser

VariantWeaponsArmorRepair / Cargo (T)Boost (LDN)Link
Zone Fighter v3.1 ZModShards1.3975D / 16560EDSY
Low Engineering Python Mk II v3.1 UMulticannons1.3975D / 16510EDSY

Python Mk II at AXCZ

The Python Mk II comes with the most firepower of all mediums for Large weapons, however since modified Guardian weapons are limited to Medium size the Python Mk II has less of an advantage in convential AX. It has a constricted optional Internal layout.

  • Even more generous Hardpoint-layout than the Krait Mk II
  • More Utility options with 6 Slots
  • Less Survivability than the Krait, better handling

The Pythonk Mk II is agile, fun to fly and packs a punch. For “conventional” AX like AXCZs it lacks behind the Krait and Chieftain.

Zone Fighter v3.1 Z – ModShards

  • Armament:
    4M Modified Guardian Shard Cannons, 1L Fixed Thermal Vent Beam Laser, 1S Fixed Cytoscrambler Burst Laser (can be replaced with additional Beams or Flak)
  • Speed:
    560 Boost (LDN), 416 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    1.397 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 16T Limpet space
  • Utility:
    3 Heatsinks, 1 Cautic Sink, Shutdown Field Neutraliser, Enhanced Xeno Scanner

Low Engineering AX Python Mk II – AGF Shards

  • Armament:
    4L 1M Gimballed Enhanced AX Multicannons, 1M Gimballed Thermal Vent Beam Laser
  • Speed:
    510 Boost (LDN), 378 Military Speed
  • Survivability:
    1.397 Armor, 5D Repair Limpet Controller, 16T Limpet space
  • Utility:
    2 Heatsinks, 2 Cautic Sinks, Shutdown Field Neutraliser, Enhanced Xeno Scanner