How to Earn Promotions in the XSF
Whether through leading operations, mentoring juniors, or displaying standout qualities, each rank offers new growth opportunities and responsibilities for willing Commanders inside the XSF.
This guide will explain the steps and expectations for advancing, helping you rise through the ranks and become a leader within XSF.
Have a look at our Rank Overview for a broader picture of the different kinds of Ranks we use.
General Staff
Rank Requirements
Promotion has been valued with 5 major categories that a Commander must accomplish. The categories consist of Experience, Knowledge Proficiencies, Promotion Challenges, Individual Proficiency, and Leadership Potential.
The Tab-Box at the bottom of this page contains details on every requirement.
Promotion within Xeno Strike Force is not always guaranteed, even if a Commander has met all qualification standards.
Submitting a Promotion Request
Use the /requestpromotion command in our ‘#apply-for-ranks’ Discord channel.
The GuardianAI bot will then open a new private thread for your Promotion Process to take place in.
There will be another Thread opened for XSF Senior Officers and Staff to review your process.
Read the Bot’s Messages and Instructions carefuly, they will lead you through every step.
- 1 – Knowledge Proficiency Test
- The Bot will ask you some questions on AX matters, read carefully – answer by typing into the chatbox. Update the Answer by typing a new Message. Submit each Answer by clicking the button below the embed.
- Can no longer update answer after advancing to the next question.
- After going through all the Questions the test will be complete and then be pending for review by the according XSF Officer. Please wait patiently, you will see a live progress bar filling up as they go through the test once they begin reviewing it.
- 2 – Experience Credits
- The Bot will check and display your Experience Credits to both you and the Reviewers Thread.
- In fact the /requestpromotion command wont let you start the process if you didn’t have the required amount of Credits in the first place.
- 3 – Individual Proficiency
- The Bot will automatically check your progression Ranks on the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord Server to match the required solo skill level needed for the XSF Rank you are applying for.
- If you are not a Member of the Anti-Xeno Initiative Server the bot will ask you to submit equivalent proof manually in the Thread. View Requirement Details.
- 4 – Promotion Challenge
- The Bot will ask you to submit the image or video link for the Promotion Challenge of the XSF Rank you are applying for.
View Requirement Details.
- The Bot will ask you to submit the image or video link for the Promotion Challenge of the XSF Rank you are applying for.
- 5 – Leadership Potential
- Ranks will be awarded once General Staff approves the Promotion.
- For Promotions to Lieutenant and above there is a level of community assessment as far as how the Commander carries themselves publicly.
- For Promotions to Major and Colonel and above there is a level of Leadership Potential Assessment required.
Once the Process is completed and Promotion approved the Bot will then post a summary to #apply-for-ranks, congratulating you on your Promotion!
If your Promotion could not be approved at that time you will get a notice in your private Promotion-Process thread with the bot.
Requirement Details
1 – Knowledge Proficiencies
Over time, excellent Commanders have taken it upon themselves to distinguish themselves amongst their peers by learning Thargoid habits, weapon types and configurations, ship loadouts, and Xeno Strike Force knowledge. There is a test that will be administered going over proficiency categories per rank. Applicant must have an 80% or higher. This proficiency exam ensures quality commanders are being progressed.
See the “Book of Sentinel” for the knowledge proficiencies.
2 – Experience
Commanders will gain Operational Experience participating in Official Operations. Official Operations are approved by Majors, Colonels, or General Staff. Official Operations will be posted in the Operation Orders channel on discord. Anybody is allowed to submit Official Operation Orders through the discord bot with the command “/opord“. See “/opord information” for further details..
Aviator | 1 Operation as Learner |
Lieutenant | 5 Operations as Aviator |
Captain | 5 Operations as Lieutenant |
Major | 5 Operations as Captain |
Colonel | 5 Operations as Major |
View your Credits with /experience name @person or on our OpOrd Credits page.
3 – Anti Xeno Initiative Rank
Qualifications must include achieving atleast the matching AXI Ranks – or submitting equivalent standard Proof of the solo Kill when requesting the promotion.
Xeno Strike Force Rank | Required Solo Proficiency (AXI Rank) |
Aviator | Sole Survivor (Basilisk Solo) |
Lieutenant | Serpent’s Nemesis (Medusa Solo) |
Captain | Collector (Hydra Duo, and All previous Solos) |
Major | Herculean Conqueror (Hydra Solo) |
Colonel | Decent Pilot (AX Mastery) |
Visit the AXI Website for their Rank Requirements
4 – Promotion Challenges
Promotion Challenges will be submitted to the Promotion thread during the promotion request in the XSF Discord. The Challenges showcase the competency of a Commander to lead others against the Thargoid threat. Below articulate each Challenge per Rank and its requirements…
Aviator Charlie and Captain Sheen were conducting Combat Air Patrol in a two Commander wing located in Pleiades Sector MI-S B4-0, where they were engaged by a Medusa Interceptor. Not expecting the dire strength and devastating firepower of the Interceptor, they were forced to fight for their lives while never losing focus of wing combat to become the Unconquerable Pair…
- Wing of 2
- Kill a Thargoid Medusa within 30 minutes
- Captain or higher as wing member to promote
- No Guardian Modules or Weapons
- No Weapon & Module Synthesis (Limpets are considered cargo)
- No Deaths allowed
- Must use Basic Ammo
- Applicant must not be carried through the fight
- Single screen shot showing both Commanders in a wing, both in the same instance at time of explosion and bond.
- Must not be an AXCZ
Spirit of this Challenge is to face a priority threat with similar ship-build restrictions a typical Escort Fighter for Titanspace would have
Lieutenant Yang was participating in Operation Scarlet Raptor in the California Nebula in the year 3311 while flying her “Titan Killer” Krait MK II dubbed ‘XSF Yin’. She found herself following the orders of the Captain until suddenly a Lightning strike from a Hydra Interceptor vaporized her Captain. Lieutenant Yang was now in charge…
- You are in charge now, successfully complete the Mission in your Captains stead
- Clear a Medium AXCZ including the Hydra at the end
- Wing of 3 required, 4th not allowed (The Captain is dead…)
- Wing should be comprised of the Rank-applicant plus 2 Aviators/Learners
- Only Human AX Weapons (Advanced with Synth excluded)
- One RRR allowed at a time while remaining Commanders stay in the instance
- Max 2 individual Deaths for the entire Mission
- Commanders may return after death
- Requires full video-recording from the LT Rank requesting applicant
Learn how to organize and communicate to achieve a given mission-objective
Captain Jaeger was assigned a recovery mission in the year 3310. Following the destruction of all Titans during the invasion of the Human bubble, we received intel that the Thargoids had activity in HIP 22460. Due to the Hardened Surface Deposit materials no longer being available as a source from living enemy Titans, XSF Command has authorized the use of Human Weapons in the Anti-Guardian Field saturated system. Conduct Search and Destroy operations in the system.
Task: Total Mission Count of 75 Points
- The Rank requesting applicant must lead the operation and be in the Strike Team. Must submit Official Operation Order for a Tactical Wing sized element demonstrating administrative leadership.
- Wing of 4
- Only Human AX Weapons (Advanced with Synth are not allowed)
- No deaths allowed
- 1 Ship must be a Large sized, fitted with a
- Remaining Ships must all be Medium sized
- If the Large Ship’s shield breaks, the Large Ship must immediately retreat from the Fight and rebuild its shield before entering Combat again. Recommended for a few ships to carry
1G Turreted Pulse Laser
equipped withLong Range + Concordant Sequence
if Large is fitted with Bi-Weave. Or any type of shield regeneration - Large Ship Shield Information If the shield breaks, the pilot must power down a main AX weapon. After an interceptor kill, a singular main weapon may be reactivated
- Shield Break Shield Break is defined as when the shield reaches 0% and awaits the 30 second delay prior to regeneration
- Only the Large ship can carry Limpet Controllers for Repairs
- Captain Requestor must not be in the large Ship
- 1 full Video Recording required from the Captain Rank Requestor
- Cyclops 10
- Basilisk 25
- Medusa 40
- Hydra 75
Prove that you are fully capable in your knowledge, piloting, communication and administrative abilities to organize a wing and delegate multiple mission tasks at once
5 – Leadership Potential
Lieutenant, Captain, Major, and Colonel will have a degree of community assessment as far as how the Commander carries themselves publicly. Leading Operations as any rank will be noticed. Whether a Commander has accomplishments positively progressing the Xeno Strike Force as a Community will be determined based on several factors which will all be taken into consideration, including: evaluation of communication with others, if they are a team player or not, if they have been an effective team mate, and how well team mates cooperated together. Social interactions on the XSF and AXI discords, social media, any forum, and in game will also be a factor. A simple rule of, “treating others the way you want to be treated”.