HIP 22460 – Salvation’s Failure

HIP 22460 is a uninhabited, and abandoned System near the Pleiades Nebula.
The System hosts heavy Thargoid presence, numerous Human Capital- and Megaship wrecks and a permanent Anti-Guardian Field.

The corrupted Proteus Wave Site – located on body 10 b in the HIP 22460 System.

A previous Thargoid Surface Site used by Salvation and Azimuth Biotech for their purposes.

It is still emitting to this day. The Body is inaccessible.

Permit Lock
Access to HIP 22460
  • The permit was issued to all Commanders who were active during the defense of the System against the Thargoids while Azimuth was preparing their Superweapon around up until August 9th in the Year 3308.
  • Commanders who do not have the permit already can acquire it by scanning (select it and point your Ships nose at it) the Listening Post in the Synuefe GB-O c9-8 System, around Body 10.

Project Seraph – Azimuth Biochemicals and Black Flight

Before the Year 3303, then Azimuth Biochemicals used the System and the Thargoid Surface Site located within for Research purposes during their Project Seraph.
The goal was to make use of Thargoid technology for Human purposes. After developing neural Implants in order to hopefully interface with Thargoid craft, in prior human experiments – the Surface site was used in attempts to lure in Thargoid Ships and capture them.

The paramilitary organisation “Black Flight” meanwhile did everything to keep the Project secret, through any means necessary…
After many unfortunate experiments and rising Thargoid activity in the System it became impossible to cover the Project any longer and the Research Base Fort Asch in the System was shut down.

The Proteus Wave Disaster and its Aftermath

After what seemed to be a successful deployment of the Superweapon the Thargoid Site promptly emmited a second Wave which rendered most of the combined Human Coalition forces in the System helpless as the Thargoids attacked them.
Humanity was defeated that day as it had to completely retreat from the System.

This human Attempt to destroy Thargoids at large-scale prompted the Thargoids to respond, as not much later the first “Stargoids” were spotted traveling through the Galaxy on their approach to the Human Bubble. These Phenomena, 8 in total, turned out to be the massive Thargoid Titans clad in their caustic Maelstroms.
And so Thargoid footholds in Human space were established and the 2nd Thargoid War began.

Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance
Engineering Requirements

The modification can be applied by the engineer Ram Tah at Phoenix Base in the Meene System.
It is a Grade 1 Engineering. It needs to be applied to each module seperately.

Required Materials:

  • 2x Hardened Surface Fragments
    • Can currently NOT be obtained, as they were only farmable from alive Titans
      Already stocked ones can be still used

Commanders who do not have AGZR engineering available to them will have to opt for Human module and weapon options when coming to HIP 22460.

Anti-Guardian Field

The Anti-Guardian Field in the System will quickly render any Guardian Modules installed on Ships inoperable, unless protected by Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance Engineering from Ram Tah.
( Guardian hull reinforcements are an exception )

Thargoid activity

HIP 22460 hosts a great number of Thargoid Interceptors and Scouts defending it.

  • Hyperdictions (can be of the hostile type ~50LY around the System) when jumping to the System
  • The System does not produce Non-Human-Signal-Sources
  • No Interdictions during Supercruise

Interceptors are perticularly agressive in HIP 22460, spawning frequently wherever a Commander might be in normal space in the System.

  • Likelyness of higher-variant Interceptors spawning
  • Scouts will also spawn
  • Preliminary Solo testing has shown:
    • Interceptors jumping in will EMP if they detect something in the area
    • They are immedietely agressive
    • 2-4 alive Interceptors in instance at the same time maximum, more come when Interceptors get destroyed
    • they are relentless and will not Wake out even after losing target, instead they will keep patrolling the area until the Commander leaves the Instance or moves 50-70km away

What to bring

For Scouting activities:

  • A fast ship that can outrun most Interceptors (450m/s) and ideally even Basilisk Interceptors (530m/s)
  • Shutdown Field Neutraliser to block Interceptor EMPs when necessary
  • SRV Bay when visiting Fort Asch
  • Note that Guardian FSD Booster Modules will decay once inside HIP 22460, unless engineered with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance

For Combat:

  • Ship Layout similar to open space AXCZ Builds
  • Weapon Layout fitting to Anti-Guardian Field requirement;
    • fixed Guardian Shard Cannons (ideally Large/Class 3) with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance Engineering
    • fixed Guardian Gauss Cannons with Anti-Guardian zone Resistance Engineering
    • Enhanced AX-Multicannons or Azimuth Pre-Engineered variant
    • Enhanced AX-Missile Racks or Sirius Pre-Engineered Missiles

Locations of Interest


  • Proteus Wave Site (inaccessible)
    • Body 10 b
  • Fort Asch (abandoned)
    • Body 7 c

Mega- and Capitalships:

  • Megaship Bright Sentinel (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 10 b
  • Megaship Overlook (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 10 b
  • Megaship Oath of Tyndareus (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 10
  • Megaship Heart of Taurus (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 12
  • INV Illustrious Fortune (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 5
  • FNS Varian Scott (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 6
  • FNS Fortitude (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 7
  • INV Audacious Dream (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 10
  • INV Paramount (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 13
  • FNS Bombardier (damaged and inactive)
    • Near Body 13