Orthrus Hunter Builds
Used to hunt Orthrus at Spire Sites and or in NHSS in Alert Systems.
Spire Sites 
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | AFMU | Repair / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
PlasmaConda v1.1 | Mod Plasmas | 537 / 4.833 | 4B x3 | 7D / 64 | 377 | EDSY |
AziConda v1.1 | Multicannons / Missiles | – / 5.571 | 4A x3 | 7D / 64 | 377 | EDSY |

Anaconda Spire Site Boat
The Anaconda is the mightiest of Spire Boats. Being a large means Firepower, tankiness and lots of Utility. The usual agility drawbacks of larges dont apply that much at Spire Sites.
- Its Hardpoint layout and Class 8 Distributor make it the best platform for 6x Medium ModPlasmas.
- Lots of Utility slots for Caustic Sinks
- Plenty of Armor, Shields and Repair capacity
- Enough space for multiple AFMUs for ModPlasma Repair
The Anaconda is a versatile platform and has proven itself as the Spire-Meta for peak Firepower and efficiency. It shines most in a good Wing setting where Orthruses dont get a chance to deploy AGF too much. ModPlasmas will need repairs when exposed to AGF for too long – but keeping them at 5-25% Health is usualy enough for Spire needs in proper Wing settings.
PlasmaConda v1.1 – ModPlasmas
- Armament:
- 6M Modified Plasma Chargers, 1S Gimballed LRTV Beam, 1S Turreted concordent sequence Pulse Laser for rapid Wing Shield-regeneration ( The LRTV Beam and CS Pulse laser can be swapped for cytoscramblers if prefered)
- 6M Modified Plasma Chargers, 1S Gimballed LRTV Beam, 1S Turreted concordent sequence Pulse Laser for rapid Wing Shield-regeneration ( The LRTV Beam and CS Pulse laser can be swapped for cytoscramblers if prefered)
- Equipment:
- 3x 4B Auto Field Maintenance Units for fast Weapons repairs after AGF exposure
(Note that 4A AFMUs will draw too much power in this Build config)
- 3x 4B Auto Field Maintenance Units for fast Weapons repairs after AGF exposure
- Speed:
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- Survivability:
- 537 Shield Buffer, 4.833 Armor
- 7D Repair Limpet Controller with x64 Limpet cargo
- Utility:
- 4 Caustic Sinks, 2 Heatsinks, 1 Shutdown Field Neutralizer, 1 0E Xeno Scanner
(Note that this is the 0E “regular” Xeno Scanner, the 0C Enhanced version will draw too much power in this config – Since we only care to see Health and Shield values on the Orthrus the regular version gives us all we need at Spires
- 4 Caustic Sinks, 2 Heatsinks, 1 Shutdown Field Neutralizer, 1 0E Xeno Scanner
AziConda v1.1 – Multicannons / Missiles
- Armament:
- 4L Azimuth Preengineered Enhanced AX Multicannons, 2M Sirius AX Missile Racks (Both of these can be swapped for “Enhanced” AX versions available for credits, you may equip more Missile Racks if taking out Banshees or focusing more on Orthrus than Scouts at Spires)
- 2S Gimballed LRTV Beam Lasers
- Equipment:
- 3x 4A Auto Field Maintenance Unit
- 3x 4A Auto Field Maintenance Unit
- Speed:
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- Survivability:
- 5.571 Armor (a 6C Bi-Weave Shield may be installed at Spire Sites if prefered, but not recommended when bringing this Ship elsewhere)
- 7D Repair Limpet Controller with x64 Limpet cargo
- Utility:
- 2 Caustic Sinks (Feel free to bring more to Spire Sites), 4 Heatsinks, Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer, 0C Enhanced Xeno Scanner
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | Repair / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
OreoSnacker v3.1 S | AGF Shards | 1.196 / 2.380 | x | 552 | EDSY |
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | AFMU | Repair / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
OreoSnacker 2.1 S | AGF Shards | x / 1.927 | 3A x1 | 5D / 64 | 536 | EDSY |

Krait Mk II Spire Site Boat
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Oreosnacker v2.1 S Krait Common Core – AGF Shards
- Armament:
– - Equipment:
– - Speed:
– - Survivability:
– - Utility:
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | Repair,Refuel / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
AlertConda v1.1 | AGF Shards | 537 / 4.095 | 7D or Multi 7A / 64 | 377 | EDSY |

Anaconda Alert Cruiser
The Anaconda is the most versatile of Alert Hunters. Being a large means Firepower, tankiness and lots of Utility.
- Mighty Hardpoint layout
- Plenty of Armor, Shields and Repair capacity
- Enough space to carry extra Fuel and capabilities to refuel teammates
The Anaconda is a versatile platform and is probably the best Orthrus Hunter in Alert systems. The extra internal space can be used to adapt the Anaconda for heavy SCO-drive use and to refuel teammates in less versatile ships if necessary.
AlertConda v1.1 – AGF Shards
This variation of the Conda bears AGF Shards to have an easier time hunting Orthrus Solo.
It exchanges some Optional Internals for Fuel related Modules to optimize for longterm SCO usage, but these are – in fact – entirely optional changes.
- Armament:
- 4L 2M Guardian Shard Cannons with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance, 1S Gimballed LRTV Beam, 1S Turreted concordent sequence Pulse Laser for rapid Wing Shield-regeneration ( The LRTV Beam and CS Pulse laser can be swapped for cytoscramblers if prefered)
- 4L 2M Guardian Shard Cannons with Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance, 1S Gimballed LRTV Beam, 1S Turreted concordent sequence Pulse Laser for rapid Wing Shield-regeneration ( The LRTV Beam and CS Pulse laser can be swapped for cytoscramblers if prefered)
- Equipment:
- 1x 4B Auto Field Maintenance Units for fast Weapons repairs after AGF exposure
- 6A Fuel Scoop (Very recommended)
- 2x 4C Fuel Tank (Note that these are entirely optional and you can keep 3x 4b AFMUs from the Spire build)
- The 7D Repair Limpet Controller may be swapped for 7A Multi, in case you want to be able to refuel other teammates
- Speed:
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- 377 Boost loaden, 283 Military speed
- Survivability:
- 537 Shield Buffer, 4.095 Armor
- Class 7D Repair or 7A Multi Limpet Controller, 64 Limpets
- Utility:
- 4 Caustic Sinks, 2 Heatsinks, 1 Shutdown Field Neutralizer, 1 0E Xeno Scanner
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | Repair,Refuel / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
OreoSnacker v3.1 S | AGF Shards | 1.196 / 2.380 | x | 552 | EDSY |
Variant | Weapons | Shield/Armor | AFMU | Repair,Refuel / Limpets (T) | Boost (LDN) | Link |
OreoSnacker 2.1 S | AGF Shards | x / 1.927 | 3A x1 | 5D / 64 | 536 | EDSY |

Krait Mk II Spire Site Boat
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Oreosnacker v2.1 S Krait Common Core – AGF Shards
- Armament:
– - Equipment:
– - Speed:
– - Survivability:
– - Utility: