VariantCargo (T)Active Limpets Shield/ArmorLDN Boost (m/s)Link
Podding Cutter32021617 / 2.728489EDSY

VariantCargo (T)Active Limpets Shield/ArmorLDN Boost (m/s)Link
Podding Anaconda20815546 / 3.357368EDSY

VariantCargo (T)Active Limpets Shield/ArmorLDN Boost (m/s)Link

Rescue Ship Build Philosophy

A large amount of cargo space is the logical choice if you want to collect as many pods as possible in a single run, but some consideration must be made on how many limpets should be deployed simultaneously. A Scythe competing for the extracted pods will be very common in this journey so having a lot of limpets out is the right way to ensure most pods will be collected. The most beneficial module for that is the 7A Universal Multi-Limpet Controller which can control up to 8 limpets, since only one can be fitted we have to add extra Collector Limpet Controllers with lower limpet counts. A good baseline amount of limpets is 13, more is better.

Ships that can fit class 7 modules are:

  • Type-9 Heavy
  • Imperial Cutter
  • Type-10 Defender
  • Federal Corvette
  • Anaconda
  • Imperial Clipper
  • Type-8 Freighter

To be able to survive and have peace to do the job a good shield is recommended, Bi-Weave is optimal for its fast recharge which reduces the time your ship will be over 20% heat. Temperature is what determines your visibility and a low heat signature will help a lot. Besides that, it is necessary to get inside the Maelstrom so a TG Pulse Neutralizer and set of Caustic Sinks are a must- alongside a Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner and a Sub Surface Extraction Missile for locating and rescuing humans.