Official Operational Ship Livery Regulation

During Official Operations, XSF CMDRs are expected to maintain at least one (and optionally more) ships conforming with our livery regulation. XSF operations expect participating ships to meet such guidelines. XSF CMDRs are free to have any other number of “civilian” ships (used outside of official ops, not required to conform to this standard.)

Official Operational ships are required to conform to the following:

  • No ship kits allowed
  • No decals allowed
  • [Optional] Use white ship IDs (without top/bottom lines, the ones from the “classic” pack)
  • [Optional] Use white ship names (without top/bottom lines, the ones from the “classic” pack)
  • Three configurations of ID/names are acceptable: A) No ID, nor ship name; B) Ship ID Only; Or C) Ship ID plus ship name
    • Note: Ship name only is NOT allowed
    • Note: If ship ID only is used, these should go into the first two slots (SHIPID1 and SHIPID2), NOT in all 4 slots, and not in NAMEPLATE1 and NAMEPLATE2
  • Use a tactical graphite, midnight black (matte), or void black (lustre) paint job. Tactical graphite (can be bought for less than two weeks worth of free ARX [620], which any CMDR should reasonably be able to afford) is recommended. Midnight Black is acceptable. Void black is acceptable but not recommended (it will look notably different from the other two matte paint jobs.) For ships where tactical graphite is not available (e.g., T10), the closest dark-grey/black livery should be used.
  • Use default engine trail colors; NOTE: Wing leaders will have a custom engine trail color for identification.
  • Use default weapon colors; NOTE: Wing leaders will have a custom weapon color for identification.
  • Be named “XSF [ship name]” and be registered on the official active duty ship registrar, which is where ship IDENT# will also be assigned. Ident should be AXC-[Assigned_Ident_#] or SAR-(same). Choose tasteful ship names, in the spirit of a professional force.
    Xeno Strike Force Ship Registrar
  • There are no rules on in-cockpit customization. Feel free to customize your cockpit as desired.
  • We recommend switching flight control call to be ship ident vs CMDR name – this is not a strict requirement, but the consistency of “Alpha, X-Ray, Charlie” and “Sierra, Alpha, Romeo” ATC calls adds a nice touch to immersion.

Official Operational CMDR avatar regulation

During Official Operations, XSF CMDRs are expected to maintain at least two (and optionally more) suits conforming with our livery regulation: a flight suit and a dominator suit. XSF operations expect participating CMDRs to meet such guidelines. XSF CMDRs are free to have any other number of “civilian” suits (used outside of official ops, not required to conform to this standard.)

Active Duty CMDRs are required to:

  • Equip their flight suit load out when not actively operating on-foot
  • Use a solid black flight suit, with no additional clothing worn on top
  • Wear their “solid black” flight helmet with their flight suits [Note: you’ll need to switch “emergency only” to “always on” in holo-me for the helmet to display in “social” settings such as stations, carriers, etc.]
  • Use the default dominator suit setup when on on-foot combat operations (Note: We highly recommend that Active Duty CMDRs own at least a G3 Dominator Suit (which can be store-bought for credits, although it might take some luck in finding one for purchase); this is not a strict requirement)
  • Use shoulder-patches that are only combat/explo/trade/merc/exobio-rank related – in white color only; you’re welcome to wear none at all if you prefer
  • There are no rules on weapon customization; feel free to customize these as you see fit
  • There are no rules on Artemis and Maverick suits, as these are considered “civilian” outfits

Official Operational SRV regulation

Please use “Tactical Graphite” for the Scarab and “Tactical Grey” for the Scorpion.
Please do not use any decals.
Please use default weapon colors (unless you are a wing leader, then same color rules apply).

XSF Livery v1.4.1 – Last updated March 13, 2024